Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seperating arm from logo

Im thinking about if MSN logo fight with Skpe logo, he would use his arm for sure, so I seperated his arm from his body.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Skype logo

because in this project, MSN logo will fight with skype logo, so, I made a skype logo today.

this is orginal pictures from google.

and i choose this one becuase he looks like more terrible than others

because in this project, MSN logo will fight with skype logo, so, I made a skype logo today.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I made a new mouth to MSN logo

I made a new mouth on msn loglo, which can be bigger or smaller, because msn logo will eat all texts i type on the this mouth can be bigger enough to eat those texts.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The conversation between me and Shuang

This is a conversation between me and my friend, I will make this picture zoom in and write 'Hey, How r u doing' in my space

New MSN logo in photoshop

I added scarf, eyes, mouth and foot on msn logo, make him looks more real

The original:

Sunday, November 15, 2009

some useful images

Here is some useful pictures I took

and I got a MSN icon from internet

Thursday, November 12, 2009

some new logos

I worked some new logos, but cant choose one

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

this is the original brand's logo design, I made it in the first class, and I will re-make it after I get titleline

Friday, November 6, 2009

Skype Vs. Msn - what is the best VOIP

Tonny Sep 19 2005 , 9:10 am

skype-just for messages and chat. you can call other persons but connection is very bad. its just for calling your next door neighbour on lunch, or asking a friend for a homework from math.msn- it has a louds of options. you cane phone, chat, even have a video conversation. chat is very good. when you phone you hear a slow motion conversation-> that is good if you want to talk using your hands and legs but if you are trying to speak you will be disapointed. it is soo slow. you can go on bathroom and back and you will see that lips are moving but the voice is late. of course, i am talking about countrie 2 countrie phoning, soo i dont know is this true.what do you think?


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

re-thinking project

my project is an animation about MSN Messenger, I was re thinking this idea, and i will try to make it as an advertisement for MSN Messenger. So the aim of this project is promoting MSN Messenger, and make more people use it. And in this animation, I am going to produce a theme of MSN Messenger, also a feature, which is 'nobody and nothing can stop MSN Messeger to help people communicate each other'. So this project target all audiences, whatever your age or gender, all of us need to communicate with others, this is also why MSN Messenger is an important tool for our life.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Food Fight

I found a funny animation video on youtube. Food Fight

in my project, I am going to produce some a scene of 'msn' fight with 'skype', so this is a useful link for my project.